Important Notice: is Closing Soon
We want to inform you that Seres Collection is closing its online store. Rest assured, all existing orders will be fulfilled as promised. However, you will no longer be able to make new purchases on this website.

Going forward, you can find our full range of products, including those previously offered here, at our main store, The Silk Road Collection: Here you can continue to shop your favourite items.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We appreciate your loyalty and look forward to serving you at The Silk Road Collection.

Important Notice: is Closing Soon
We want to inform you that Seres Collection is closing its online store. Rest assured, all existing orders will be fulfilled as promised. However, you will no longer be able to make new purchases on this website.

Going forward, you can find our full range of products, including those previously offered here, at our main store, The Silk Road Collection: Here you can continue to shop your favourite items.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We appreciate your loyalty and look forward to serving you at The Silk Road Collection.

Important Notice: is Closing Soon
We want to inform you that Seres Collection is closing its online store. Rest assured, all existing orders will be fulfilled as promised. However, you will no longer be able to make new purchases on this website.

Going forward, you can find our full range of products, including those previously offered here, at our main store, The Silk Road Collection: Here you can continue to shop your favourite items.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We appreciate your loyalty and look forward to serving you at The Silk Road Collection.

Votre panier est vide.

Le pourpre des Han est une couleur qui fascine les scientifiques

Un article très intéressant sur la couleur pourpre des Han, qui fut utilisée en tant que peinture murale aussi que pour décorer les fameux guerriers en terre cuite. Les chercheurs n'ont que depuis peu découvert l'exotisme de son comportement magnétique. On se demande combien d'autres matériaux il existe encore que nous n'avons pas encore découvert.

Han purple terracotta warriors


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